Thursday 2 June 2011

The return of paranoid Russell

Several rail changes on my way to my sleeper train from Szczecin to Krakow.  Not a good thing for paranoid Russell.  Seven minute change overs especially.  Paranoid Russell likes to get there a long time before the journey starts and to ask at least three people in uniform if he has the right vehicle, the right time and the right destination.

‘What the hec’ Russell likes to front up whenever and see what happens.  You don’t see much of ‘what the hec’ Russell these days.  It was bad enough when my ticket from Prague to Berlin said one station and my landlords in Prague said another.   Got nthere anyway and set off for Berlin.  The scenery is glorious.  When you cross in to Germany it is just as pretty though a little more manicured.  I was surprised at the amount of rural land in Germany.  Lots of villages naturally, but quite a lot of farmland.  The farms actually get to what seems like Australian size up north on the way to Poland.
                                                    tour group at site of Hitler's bunker
I get ahead of myself though, back to Berlin.  Arrived at the Hapbahnhoff in plenty of time.  It is huge, several floors of shops and train platforms and business etc.  After a bit of a struggle I found luggage lockers, instructions for later in the day and a ticket to Brandenburgh tor, which has its own special little railway.  Hopped on and got off in plenty of time for the Sandeman’s free tour of Berlin..

The tour started at the Brandenburg gate obviously, and the Reichstag, and included a view of the French Embassy, the USA Embassy and the Hotel where Micheal Jackson dangled his kid over the balcony.  It then moved on to the old Luftwaffe headquarters which was a GDR government building too.  It has some really colourful propaganda art attached, and then we went on to the remains of the Berlin Wall and then to a fake Checkpoint Charlie.  Tourists are so interested in it that the Berliners rebuilt it complete with fake US soldiers.

After that we went to some more monumental buildings and the site of Hitler’s bunker.  The guided do these tours for tips only and are always entertaining and knowledgeable.  YOU end up handing over close to what you would for paid tour, but get much better bang for your buck.

After the tour time for the gallery, and then halfway through floor one paranoid Russell returned.  Was an hour long enough to get back to the station and get all the double checking done?  Did I really know the way?

Got  there in good time anyway, and got the train.  Next leg was to Angermunde and the train was packed.  No reservations and the aisles were chocka.  I was lucky enough to get a seat because I noticed the locals pushing in and not being polite, so I did the same.  After a stop ½ hour out of Berlin, the extras thinned out a little.  The train was late and the change over at Angermunde was 7 minutes.  Guess who was worried?  Shouldn’t have been, the next train is a specific service and waits for the connections.

This is where the land flattened out considerably and there were many windmills on the horizon. After a little while we passed in to a large forest and the train  stopped at what looked like a bus stop to let two passengers off.  Then I spotted another of these stations with a name that most Peters I know would love to see. 

Finally arrived in Szczecin with 2 hours to spare.  Went for a walk, had a bite to eat and didn’t get mugged.  Each of which felt like an achievement.

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