Sunday 8 May 2011

Barcelona 3, the killer paella strikes back

Who would have thought it.  A new evening, a new street, a new paella.  And not just any paella.  A paella that puts any previous paella to shame.  Prawns and scampi, real vegetables and with a flavour that lingers, and just a hint of Mediterranean tomato.  Then, on the way home, luscious slice of chocolate cake.

Certainly makes up for getting lost on the subway.  That's if you call getting the wrong train on the wrong line getting lost.  I call it exploring the city.
I did finally get to my destination which was in the middle of the Gothic Barrio, with a plan to wander around and find my way out.  Obviously that eventually happened but I had forgotten that sense of direction is really mucked up coming up out of a subway.  Still, it's nice to see the same alleys and squares three times.

I can't believe I didn't think Barcelona could live up to Madrid.  Check this out, a Gothic house and the remains of a Roman wall bookend a modern parking station.

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