Friday 27 May 2011

Lots of Schloss

Never hard to find a rubbish bin in Vienna, and no-one crosses against the lights.  And they really are a big people in general and active. But no internet in the hotel?????  Go figure.

How many palaces does one family need?  Apparently some Frederick guy got appointed Holy Roman Emperor so he was too busy to rule the Austrian Empire so his wife headed up Austria as well as Hungary.  Don't know what was happening with Hapsburg Spain or the Netherlands at the time.  Her name was Maria Theresa and she is really big in Hungary I recall.  She had a daughter, well 11 of them, but one she married off to the French king to cement an alliance - Marie Antoinette.  Wonder if mummy got the guilts when little Marie was sent off to the guillotine?
                                                            Schloss Schonbrun

On my walk this morning I noticed a lot of places where very large dogs had weed against the wall.  Told you this wasn't a great neighbourhood. dogs I don't think.
Went fairly early to Scloss Schonbruin, the Hapsburg summer palace.  Pretty big and quite nice, no where near as fancy as the Topkapi Palace in Istanbul or Versailles.  Marie Antoinette must have thought she was better off than Mum.  The gardens at Schonbruin are quite special, including a fake Roman ruin, apparently they were all the rage back in 1750.
                                                    Fake Roman Ruin

Went to Stepensdom after that, the big church.  Wasn't that impressed, they have a clever way of adding colour with cellophane over the windows.  Probably not cellophane but looked like it.  St Peter#s church just around the corner is much nicer.  I love the green roofs on many buildings here though I think it means they have oxidised.  Back to the hotel for a rest after a piece of strudel.

It is interesting what you see off the beaten track.  I found the tivoli last night and found a big out of the wazy market this morning, just a local one, no tourists no english speakers.  I got a potato salad with viener and vegetables, half a kilo of cherries for the train tomorrow, a piece of sacher torte and a can of drink all for 6 euro.  Bargain.

Was also lucky enough to be in Stepehensdom when some sacred singers were practicing for a big concert.  They were amazing as were the accoustics.

After lunch I went to Schloss Belvedere, the big art gallery nowadays.  I thought Klimt's scream was here, but it is the Kiss that's here.  I preferred the Bride.  There was a really impressive Paris Making the judgement too.
                                           Vienise looking corner of Vienna

Then to the Hofburg on the way back.  Didn't go in to any paying parts, having given Vienna's preservation fund enough for one two day trip.  Then wandered around from Volksgarten to Stephensplatz past all the really expensiver shops and lots of people.  Looking for a free concert tonight, but may stay in for the tennis if the rain that#s threatening turns up.

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