Monday 16 May 2011

Looking for kookaburras and horsemen

Went on a tour to Nazareth and the Galilee today.  Met some Australians from Sydney waiting for the tour bus.  We had an hour to get to know each other.

On the way to Nazareth we passed through the Valley of Armageddon, which is part of the ancient route from Egypt to Iraq.  Wondering about the end of days I kept a good look out for four horsemen who looked a little like they might be of the apocalypse.  Didn't see them.  Also passed the site of the ancient town of Megiddo, which is a bit of a treat for a teacher of Ancient Egypt.

On to Nazareth which is about the size of Launceston and the largest Arab town in the something or other.  The big thing there is the church of the Annunciation where Mary was told by Gabriel that she was to have a son.  Saw the rock where this was supposed to happen as well as a church on the site of Joseph's carpentry shop.  Given the number of churches around and the general disrepair of the buildings you think they would have been better off leaving it as a carpentry shop.

                                            Sea of Galilee from Capernaum

On to the holiest sites in Christendom (yes again), passing through Cana and other places of miracles.  Capernaum first where Jesus had his ministry next to the sea of Galilee, and  Tabgha, where the miracle of the loaves and fishes took place.
                                    Altar and under it the rock Jesus sat on while handing out bread and fish

After this we went to the establishment of the tour guides cousin's mother in laws best friend, where we had the pleasure of having one available option to eat.  Then on to Tiberius where we didn't stop.
Then to the site of Jesus' baptism where we got to paddle in the Jordan river or get baptised.
                                    Kind Christian girl photographing friend being baptised in the Jordan

Got back really really late but did get to drive through the beautiful Judean desert again.
Oh, the Jordan River has heaps of gum trees on its banks, given to Israel by us Aussies.  It looks like the upper Yarra, but no kookaburras or koalas.

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