Friday 6 May 2011

Great day in Madrid, ^*@! time getting out.

The bear and the tree is the symbol of Madrid.  Plaza Mayor is a major central plaza.  Very old.

Went for  long walk to Basillica San Fransisco then round to Reina Sofia where all the Picassos and Dalis are.  Big crowds around Geurnica.  (Hows that for name dropping in a pseudo arty farty intellectual kind of way - i.e. being a wanker)  Then went to el Retiro this huge park with stuff in it.  After all that it was time to go back to the hotel for luggage and on to the airport.

Easy enough, or so I thought.  The plane was over 31/2 hours late.  I didn't even have a book for a 1 hour flight.  Arrived in Barcelona after 11 pm and got to Hotel about 12.30am.  Luckily they stayed up for me to arrive.
Madrid - awesome, kind of Rome lite.  Barcelona - yet to see.

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