Thursday 19 May 2011

Sydney eat your heart out

I reckon Istanbul has miles more waterfront real estate than Sydney.  Haven't seen their opera house though.
Went on a Bosphorous cruise as far as the black sea today.  Really good sights as well as the real; estate.

Climbed a fort that the Turks built to invade Istanbul.  Just as well after all the food we ate.  Morning tea was tea or coffee plus two savoury biscuits, two sweet biscuits and two pieces of cake.  Each!  Lunch was a metza plate of assorted vegetable stuff, followed by a Turkish barbecue.  On the way back it was a big plate of fruit.  Each.
Didn't need dinner but have forced myself to try some Turkish baclava.  Yum.

On the cruise we saw the maidens tower which is in the Bosphorous, but closer to the Asian side than the European side.  The fiancees of the Sultan were locked up  there until they were married.  Then we went past a variety of palaces, then stopped for a famous mosque which was quite beautiful.  Then on to the afore-mentioned fort to build up an appetite for the afore-mentioned lunch.
                                      view down from BHU Rumeli fortress
After/during lunch we sailed to a fishing village further up the passage before finally sailing on to a village on the Black Sea.  I really wanted to go to the Black sea and now I have.
                                                        Black Sea

                                                     Wuss in very cold Black Sea

Some interesting things I found out or saw today, numbered one, two, three (because there are five of them.
1) It was Turkish National day.  I swear all these countries are just declaring these days in honour of my visit, there seems to be a national day everywhere.  This one lead to heaps of crowds and a two hour bus ride from the bolat to the hotel, but no shooting so far.
2)There are lots and lots of cats in Turkey and they are not scared of people or dogs, they are actually friendly
                                                   Cats at restaurant

2)b - just finished the Baclava - yum.  And no dear, not with my hands while using the computer.

3)I saw a seagull dive for fish??????? Imagine that, a seagull actually working for a living!
3)+  They have hummas here, like a modern or human donkey.  They are youth or men with a two wheeled trolley that they lug about the inner city with great loads on them, usually pulling it behind them but sometimes pushing. They are very efficient in the heavy traffic but can't be a terribly long term career.

3)++ I saw an icecream shop with real chocolate fountain
3)+++ The tour guide doesn't want Turkey to join the EU and says he reckons most people would agree now.

photo transfer not working,for ages, I think the computer told me to press the FU button.

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