It is a lively, colourful, noisy, nice smelly, not so nice smelly kinda place. Went to three significant sites today all within a stone's throw of here. Speaking of crows, they are mainly grey here and dive on your terrace breakfast if you leave it alone to get another cuppa.
Blue Mosque, actually built as a Mosque. Very beautiful. Lots of mosaics. Free to get in, say no more, I'll go back.
Forgot to rotate it. This, according to the guide I was eavesdropping on, is the only place with holy references to two religions. The Muslim calligraphy and the mimbar (at the bottom), and the Christian madonna at the top.
Topkapi Palace. Palace of the sultan. Boy did they know how to do a palace. None of this English reserve or French fussiness. Courtyards in palaces in courtyards in palaces in gardens in palace walls. Like one of those babushka dolls. I wonder if the sultan and the English monarch ever played you show me your crown jewels and I'll show you mine? The sultans had emeralds the size of softballs. and huge but uncomfortable looking thrones. Everything was precious and jewel encrusted if the remainders are anything to go by. Mind you how could you give the sultan a paperback or a plastic tea set?
Entrance to the circumcision room, Topkapi Palace
After that, got down to the main port, at least from a tourist point of view. Then came back and did more washing. That's two nights in a row, and about doubles my quota for the last ten years.
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