Thursday 5 May 2011

Free tour great

The free tour was great.  It took about three and a half hours and you tip at the end.  Saw all the main sights.  Off to the Prado tonight because it is free at night.  If I'd known earlier I would have went last night.  These old city places are really great for the young.  The tour people have pub crawls and a tapas tour.
This well selected and recommended hotel is on the street of the prostitutes according to the tour guide, and I thought it was my aussie good looks that got me all the smiles from the ladies.  Only kidding, I thought it was the tomato sauce I spilled all down me front eating beans and sausage.  Had to try and get the stain out meself, that's another thing I didn't think of.  How do you do the washing via skype.
Photo next time for sure, I just keep forgetting to load them on the computer and my room is floors away.  Got one of Queen Isabel who was the monarch who stopped the Spanish Inquisition.  Her dad was so impressed with her he had the succession rules changed to allow her to rule after him.  She must have been a good debater.
Saw lots of things today but favourite was Queen Isabel's statue, followed by Cervantes' house.  Best story is a legend about a rich lady who in the 19th century, threw herself off the viaduct bridge because her family wouldn't let her marry her poor lover.  her dress and bustle ballooned out like a parachute and she floated to the ground only breaking her leg.  The family was so sorry they let her marry the lover nad they lived happily having lots of children.

There is an Egyptian temple here, haven't seen it yet but might get there.

1 comment:

  1. One Isabel like another. Are you planning to change the line of succession in our family?
