Friday 13 May 2011

Cracker night

I thought I heard firecrackers last night but it wasn't.  Went to the window, typical bloody tourist, to look out and no fireworks!  Wednesday was Jewish independence day and tomorrow is Nakba day for the Palestinians.  The extra heightened police and army presence yesterday was in preparation for expected protests and skirmishes tomorrow.  Last night there were troubles with one Palestinian youth shot in the arm.  The news says 13 injured and some police injured too and about 39 I think arrested for using molotov cocktails.  They say it is a good time to go somewhere else as there are a few hundred extra expected in Jerusalem for the demonstrations tomorrow.
The mosque near my room.  The call to prayer and prayers were loud but beautiful, even at 5.00am in the morning.  Sort of a call to pee for me really.

Am now in Tel Aviv, a much more modern city and more secular too I believe.  It is Shabbat and most things are closed though quite a few still open.  Got here in a sherut which is like a mini bus.  You get on and take a seat then pass your money down to the driver, he passes back the change.  They don't seem to let driving get in the way of other things they want to do over here.  Room wasn't ready so went to the beach.  Cold and rainy but worth a look.  Lots of surfers.  And then about a hundred people doing traditional dances on the boardwalk.  They really seemed to be enjoying themselves.  Passers by joined in if the felt like it.
                 Bring back dancing in the schools I say!!!  (make ourselves a culture)

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